SEPTEMBER 19 - 21, 2024

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Submit Abstracts for Consideration

If you are interested in presenting a paper at the Colloquium, please submit a working title and abstract of 200- 300 words no later than May 31, 2024. For an abstract to be eligible for submission, the author must anticipate that the paper will be a true working draft (neither published nor so close to publication that significant changes are not feasible) by the date of the Colloquium. We will do our best to notify authors about acceptances by mid-June.

2024 Participants pause for a group photo on the Debevoise back lawn at VLS.

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I would like to be considered for a $500 travel stipend. I understand this stipend is reimbursable after completion of the Colloquium and that I must show acceptable forms of receipt(s).
I would like to receive monthly email updates from Vermont Law School's Environmental Law Center with relevant events and news for the academic community.

Your Abstract Information

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