Vermont Law School

Student Volunteer Work Reporting


Pro Bono Student Work Form

Supervisor Confirmation Form

Volunteer Student Work Form

Thank you for reporting your information on this volunteer records website. These forms are password-protected for security reasons. Please contact Eli Gleason for login information.

Supervisors, please log in here to confirm pro bono work done by VLS students for you.

Students, we ask that you use this website to record the volunteer work that you do while at VLS. Our intent is to provide an easy way for you and for VLS to keep track of your volunteer work.

There are two forms for you to use in reporting volunteer work:

Why do we want you to report this information?

Pro bono legal work

Other volunteer work

While not required to report on this, VLS likes to know of and takes pride in the contributions its students make in this and other communities. Reporting the other volunteer work that you do helps us to keep track of all volunteer work done beyond the pro bono legal work.